The vending industry has evolved over the past year. COVID-19 has transformed what the typical workday looks like and the refreshment industry has stepped up to the task. One major factor is cashless payments to purchase vending machine products.
The awareness of staying safe and keeping good hygiene has grown. That makes right now the perfect time to consider adding cashless payments to your break room. Plenty of benefits exist for going cashless, including increased convenience, easier refunds when they’re needed, and security provided by state-of-the-art vending equipment. Yet, perhaps the most pressing reasons to go cashless involve reducing the risk of COVID-19 in your Arlington, VA break room.
A Cashless Break Room Equals A Safe Break Room
The primary benefit of cashless Arlington, VA break rooms revolves around keeping employees safe. Modern vending machines are equipped to accept mobile payments like Apple and Google pay. When they pay through mobile payment apps, state-of-the-art refreshment equipment or modern vending machines, employees reduce their chances of getting sick.
Risk reduction occurs because it allows employees to socially distance themselves, eliminating lines and crowds that form around the checkout. Also, mobile payment options to decrease unnecessary contact with high-touch surfaces.
Employees Find Mobile Payment Enabled Equipment Convenient
Employees find a Arlington, VA cashless break room convenient. By eliminating terminals formerly used to purchase meals, employees only need to touch those items they intend to buy. What’s more, fewer people carry cash in today’s world. By going cashless, employees no longer need to visit the ATM for money to purchase lunch from the kiosk. Additionally, cashless payments and modern vending machines provide high payment security, reducing the risk of identity or credit card theft.

Modern Arlington, VA Vending Machines Eliminate Loose Change
A cashless break room gets rid of the need to exchange loose change. It also stops the necessity of passing dollar bills and coins back and forth between employees and cashiers. Without this movement of cash, you protect your employees from coronavirus and other unwanted germs. Offering modern Arlington, VA vending machines in your break room is a major employee benefit!
Ready to Take Your Break Room Cashless?
Is your Arlington, VA business ready for a cashless break room? Contact SunDun Office Refreshments today to talk to a break room specialist! They can help you determine your company’s best options. Call 800.466.2731 today and find out what cashless vending can do for your company!