Healthy Vending Machine Choices in McLean, VA

Healthy Vending Machine Options in McLean, VA Can Boost Productivity

Healthy Vending Machine Choices in McLean, VA

Corporate wellness programs including those that offer healthy vending machine options can have a positive impact on both an employee’s health and on the company’s productivity, but only if the wellness program is implemented carefully.

A recent study by researchers at the University of California, Riverside, UCLA, and Washington University in St. Louis found that wellness program participation “improved average worker productivity by over 4 percent” which is roughly equivalent “to adding one additional day of productive work per month for each employee” (Gubler, Larkin, & Pierce,2017, p. 2). Taken one step further, researchers determined that by using diet and exercise, sick and healthy employees increased their productivity by 10 percent.  

There are, however, several important caveats to consider.

  • Participation must be voluntary. Researchers found that when participation was required or strongly suggested through social or financial pressure, the participants reacted negatively. Participants perceived the company to be overstepping its bounds and interfering in their health and lifestyle choices.
  • Participants must believe in the program’s merits and safety. Highlighting the differences between the reality of the program versus its perceptions will help employees trust that their health data will remain private and will not be used for employment-related purposes.
  • Long-term productivity gains are unlikely to be sustainable through single or short-term interventions. Employers must consider multiple or long-term wellness support for employees if increased productivity is to be sustainable.

Wellness programs or interventions in can occur in many different forms from fitness activities to healthy choices in the office break room vending machine. The best choices for your specific organization will likely vary from the organization next door. Ask your McLean, VA employees for their opinions and preferences. To start the conversation, consider a few of the following options.

Healthy Vending Machine Choices in McLean, VA


  • encourage public transportation, walking or biking—arrange for bike racks and provide “bike to work” promotional materials
  • encourage stairwell use by strategically placing posters with information about the physical benefits of using stairs
  • offer corporate discounts for health club memberships in the McLean, VA area or offer an on-site fitness facility
  • coordinate and market running and walking groups and other monthly and weekly fitness challenges

Corporate Culture

  • Turn sit-down meetings into walking meetings
  • bring in items that will encourage folks to take a break and rejuvenate such as scooters, game rooms, footballs, and hula hoops
  • incorporate plants and other greenery around the office
  • offer a quiet spot to take a nap

Food Choices

  • offer healthy snack and beverage choices via vending machines—don’t forget to include non-dairy milk options for those who are vegan or are dairy intolerant
  • offer free or reduced cost refreshments for employees—it’s a great morale booster
  • throw a monthly healthy potluck
  • coordinate with a community supported agriculture (CSA) for local fruit and vegetable deliveries to the office and/or find local farmers markets in McLean, VA

Whether you are looking to offer free vend or add a new vending machine, SunDun Office Refreshments can help. We offer a wide variety of products and services that can help boost your employees’ wellness, morale, and productivity. Call us at 800.466.2731 for more information.  


Gubler, T., Larkin, I., and Pierce, L. (2017, June 28). Doing Well by Making Well: The Impact of Corporate Wellness Programs on Employee Productivity. Forthcoming, Management Science. DOI:

Healthy Snacks in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. Employees Crave Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks in Washington D.C.

The increase in demand for healthy snacks is not only about which ingredients are in a snack; it is also about the ingredients that aren’t there. According to Mintel, a global market research firm, 84 percent of consumers want to reduce the amount of natural sugar and artificial sweetener in their diets. Participants indicated that weight management and future health concerns were the top reasons to cut sugar. In fact, 31 percent of participants agreed that removing sugar from their diet causes more weight loss than cutting out fat. Millennials or 18 to 34 year olds had additional concerns about sugar and its negative impact on dental health and the appearance of their skin.     

Decreasing the amount of sugar consumed has many more positive effects on a Washington D.C. individual’s health than the few previously mentioned. Some additional health benefits of eating less sugar are

  • lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels,
  • decrease risk of fatty liver disease, diabetes, and heart attack,
  • Lower chances of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia,
  • improved cognitive function, memory, and responsiveness,
  • increased energy levels.

Avoiding sugar isn’t always as easy as it sounds though. Sugar is frequently hidden in products that aren’t usually associated with sugar. It is also referred to by other names and found in many different forms including molasses, organic cane sugar, fruit juice concentrate, malt sugar, corn syrup, honey, syrup, and words ending in “ose” dextrose, lactose, maltose, fructose, glucose, and sucrose. The following suggestions are a few ways that can help Washington D.C. employees and students choose healthy snacks and reduce sugar consumption:

  • check the ingredient list for hidden sugarHealthy Snacks in Washington D.C.
  • eat as close to natural as possible
  • check the nutrition label to see how much sugar is actually in the product
  • gradually lower your sugar intake
  • eat more protein and healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, and olives
  • drink naturally flavored seltzer water as an alternative to sugary beverages

The increase in demand for snacks and beverages with less sugar has led to new, easy-to-find, healthier choices including kombucha teas and drinking vinegars. Since Washington D.C. employees are looking for a wide variety of flavors and sweetness levels, there are many new opportunities to offer healthy snacks and beverages at all sweetness levels in the office break room.

Consider offering all of your Washington D.C. employees the chance to enjoy a healthy snack or beverage while at work. Whether enjoying a can of flavored carbonated water or a healthy snack from the vending machine, there is an option for everyone. For more information about adding healthy snacks and beverages to your office break room or updating your current vending machine options, call SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731.

Office Coffee Service in Rockville, MD

A New Coffee Service Benefit for Rockville, MD Employees

Office Coffee Service in Rockville, MD

Enjoying coffee and tea from the office coffee service may provide Rockville, MD employees with additional health benefits. Scientists from Boston Children’s Hospital recently found that consuming caffeine may help decrease pain sensitivity in those with chronic pain. The consumed caffeine caused dopamine, a carrier of messages between nerve cells in the brain, to flood the brain’s pleasure center resulting in decreased pain sensitivity, a huge benefit for chronic pain suffers.

Healthy levels of dopamine help regulate emotions, cognition, food intake, and the endocrine system. Chronic pain, on the other hand, often causes endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, neurological, and musculo-skeletal system problems resulting in decreased immune health, spikes in blood pressure, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, and disruptions of daily activities. It appears that caffeine causes a boost in dopamine which works against some of the negative effects of chronic pain.

This new information is great news for the 25.3+ million adults who live with chronic pain. But caffeine has other benefits that can improve workplace productivity too. Caffeine has been known to decrease fatigue, offer short term mental boost, and improve memory. Coffee, tea, and chocolate are a few of the more familiar sources of caffeine. The different levels of caffeine in caffeinated beverages is a result of different places of origin, varying processing and preparation methods (including brewing time), and the amount of milk or cream added.

Office Coffee Service in Rockville, MD

Typical levels of caffeine in tea and coffee include:

  • Coffee: 8 fl oz. mug includes 95 mg to 165 mg
  • Espresso: 1 fl oz. shot includes 47 mg to 64 mg
  • Black Tea: 8 fl oz. mug includes 25 mg to 48 mg
  • Green Tea: 8 fl oz. mug includes 25 mg to 29 mg
  • Ready-to-Drink Bottled Tea: 8 fl oz. bottle includes 5 mg to 40 mg

If coffee and tea have too much caffeine or are too acidic for your Rockville, MD employee, enjoying a bar of dark chocolate or a mug of hot cocoa from the office break room is another option. Both dark chocolate and hot cocoa have less caffeine than the traditional office coffee service choices.

Typical levels of caffeine in chocolate include:

  • Hot Cocoa: 8 fl oz. mug includes 9 mg
  • Dark Chocolate: 3.5 oz. bar with 70% to 80% cocoa includes 80mg
  • Dark Chocolate: 3.5 oz. bar with 50% to 69% cocoa includes 70mg
  • Milk Chocolate: 3.5 oz. bar includes 20 mg

Consider offering all of your Rockville, MD employees the chance to enjoy a caffeine pick-me-up while at work. Whether enjoying coffee or tea from the office coffee service or a bar of dark chocolate from the vending machine, there is an option for everyone. For more information about adding coffee service or updating your vending machine options, call SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731.

Vending Machine Technology in Columbia, MD

Technology and the Columbia, MD Vending Machine Experience

Vending Machine Technology in Columbia, MD

Get ready to meet the new vending machine. In the not so distant future, vending machines will communicate with consumers through an application (app) on their smartphone that includes artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The app will learn the Columbia, MD customer’s preferences in order to improve and personalize the experience. Customers will also be notified via the app about future promotions and new ways to use the app such as placing a single order for multiple beverages.

Wireless Technology

While this technology is not available everywhere, most vending machines use other recently developed technology to improve the Columbia, MD customer experience. Gone are the days when coins were needed to purchase a snack or beverage from a vending machine. Today, credit cards and debit cards can be used on almost all machines to make cashless payments over wireless technology. Many locations also offer the option of making mobile payments on a smartphone via Apple Pay and Android Pay.

Wireless technology also offers additional benefits for both the consumer and the vending provider. Because of the constant wireless connection, real-time sales data moves between the vending machine and the vendor helping control inventory, track products, and forecast product demand.

Vending Machine Technology in Columbia, MD

Environmentally-Friendly Technology

New technology has also positively impacted the environment. Vending machines that meet Energy Star ratings cost less to operate and use less overall energy. Installing light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs further decreases energy consumption and energy costs. Unlike most lighting that turns off when not in use, lighting in vending equipment remains on. Compared to other types of light bulbs in vending machines, LED light bulbs emit light in a specific direction without substantial loss of light, and emit less overall heat. The U.S. Department of Energy states that “today’s LED bulbs can be six-seven times more energy efficient than conventional incandescent lights and cut energy use by more than 80 percent.”

Delivering vending machine snacks and beverages to office break rooms in Columbia, MD has also been positively impacted by environmentally-friendly technology. There are fewer and lighter trucks on the road because real-time sales data and inventory tracking provide more accurate information about the products that need to be delivered. When combined with changes in vehicle emissions’ requirements, the trucks that are on the road use fewer natural resources and produce fewer vehicle emissions.

Overall, new technologies have had a positive impact. How have new technologies improved your Columbia, MD employees’ experiences in the office break room? Whether you want to install vending machines that have up-to-date technologies for the first time, or if you need to upgrade your current machines, we can help. Call SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731 for more information.

Caffeine Snacks and Beverages in Gaithersburg, MD

Gaithersburg, MD Employees Enjoy Caffeine’s Benefits

Caffeine Snacks and Beverages in Gaithersburg, MD

Maintaining recommended fitness levels is a challenge for many individuals, but there is new research about caffeine that might make it just a bit easier to accomplish. Recent research from the University of São Paulo in Brazil found a link between caffeine consumption and more effective workouts. In the study, the participants’ cycling speed was recorded after the cyclist burned 450 calories. The first time after taking a caffeine pill, the second time after taking a placebo, and the third time after taking nothing. The average cycling speed after consuming the caffeine pill was 3.3 percent faster than when compared to taking nothing. That is a substantial boost.   


But caffeine offers more benefits to Gaithersburg, MD individuals who consume it than just improving one’s workout performance. If you ask, most individuals know that it decreases fatigue first thing in the morning as well as during the mid-afternoon slump. Less familiar may be the idea that caffeine has been found to provide a mental boost for 45 minutes after consuming it and improved memory over the next 24 hours. Gaithersburg, MD employee’s reaction time, and concentration also increases. Each of these benefits on their own are good for employee productivity, but when combined, they could be great.  

Caffeine has also been found to play a role in preventing a number of health conditions including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, as well as reduce the risk of liver cancer and mouth and throat cancers.

Caffeine Snacks and Beverages in Gaithersburg, MDSources

To get the most benefit, it is best to consume snacks and beverages with naturally occurring caffeine. “Added” caffeine does not contain the powerful antioxidants and vitamins that are found in the naturally occurring form causing its boost to be a sudden jolt up and a fast crash down. Some of the 60 plant species that contain the naturally occurring form include cocoa beans, kola nuts, tea leaves, coffee beans, yerba maté, guarana berries, guayusa, and the yaupon holly. Chocolate, tea, and coffee are three of the more popular forms of naturally occurring caffeine in Gaithersburg, MD, and each one contains different beneficial antioxidants.

  • Chocolate: flavonoids, procyanidins, epicatechin, cocoa phenols
  • Tea: epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, and epicatechin
  • Coffee: chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and melanoidins

Which one is your favorite type—chocolate, tea or coffee? Offering all three of them in your Gaithersburg, MD office break room is a cost-effective way to help your employees relax and  at the same time, boost their productivity. For more information about different vending machine options, call SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731. We can help you determine the best caffeinated options for your employees.

Healthy Snacks in Baltimore, MD

The New Meal in Baltimore, MD

Healthy Snacks in Baltimore, MD

By previous standards, it wouldn’t be considered a meal. It isn’t always consumed at traditional meal times or eaten at a table. But according to those between the ages of 18 and 35 (Millennials), it contributes to their daily nutritional needs and functions as a meal.

What is it?

It is a healthy snack. Millennials are eating a lot of snacks. 92 percent of individuals recently surveyed by Surveygoo said they replace a meal with a snack at least once a week. 50 percent do it four times a week and 26 percent, do it seven times per week. That is a lot of snacking.

Since Millennials are now the largest segment of the population in the U.S. workforce, Baltimore, MD employers need to reexamine their break room snack, beverage, and food options. At the top of the list of preferred ingredients for healthy snacks are whole grains, real fruit pieces, and nuts. These healthy ingredients are not just beneficial for Millennials. They are better for everyone. When researching different healthy snack options for your employees, here are three things to consider:

Nutritional Needs

  • Will it stop hunger between meals?
  • Will it help me to stay hydrated?Healthy Snacks in Baltimore, MD
  • Will it help me to manage my health and diet?

Refuel or Energy Pick-Me-Up

  • Will it give me an energy boost?
  • Will it increase my mental focus?
  • Will it help decrease stress?


  • Whole Grains (oats, brown rice, millet, and quinoa)
  • Plant-Based Proteins (legumes, nuts, and seeds)
  • Fruits and Vegetables (berries, apple, and sweet potato)
  • Low in Sugar

Each of these areas can offer benefits when considered on their own. However, when they are considered as a group, the benefits can reach even further. A snack with healthy ingredients that fulfills nutritional needs, keeps an employee hydrated, and improves mental focus positively impacts that individual’s health as well as increases creativity and productivity. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Have you considered including healthy snacks in your Baltimore, MD office break room? Whether you are just beginning your office break room journey or would like to update your vending machine selections, we can help you with that.  Contact SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731 for more information.

Healthy Snacks in Fairfax, VA

Fairfax, VA, Don’t Forget to Enjoy a Dark Chocolate Snack

Healthy Snacks in Fairfax, VAIt looks like Fairfax, VA employees can add another benefit to the list of reasons why they should enjoy a dark chocolate snack—fewer irregular heartbeats. A recent study performed in Denmark by a group of Danish and American scientists found that participants who consumed two to six servings per week of chocolate made with at least 30 percent cocoa solids had an 11 to 20 percent lower chance of atrial fibrillation (AF) or irregular heartbeats. AF negatively affects over 12 million people in the United States (U.S.) and European Union (EU), and increases the likelihood that a stroke, heart failure, cognitive decline, or dementia will occur.  

Chocolate, as a category, is made from different combinations of cocoa solids, cocoa butter, cocoa bean powder, sugar, and milk powder. Out of all of the ingredients, cocoa is the one that benefits cardiovascular health. In addition to antioxidants, cocoa contains flavonoids which perform a variety of jobs such as helping control insulin sensitivity, improving blood flow, and protecting the skin against UV damage. For chocolate to provide the most benefit, it needs to be made with a higher percentage of cocoa, and avoid processing methods such as fermenting, alkalizing, and roasting that cause important flavonoids to be lost.

Healthy Snacks in Fairfax, VAOf all of the types of chocolate available in Fairfax, VA, dark chocolate meets those criteria the best. But it is still important to check each bar of chocolate for the percentage of cocoa solids because those can vary. For example, in the EU, milk chocolate must contain a minimum of 30 percent cocoa solids while in the U.S., a minimum of 10 percent is required for the chocolate to be considered milk chocolate. Dark chocolate also has different requirements between the two locations—43 percent cocoa solids in the EU and 35 percent in the U.S. So, how do these percentages play out when it comes to the ingredients of dark, milk, and white chocolate?

Dark chocolate is made from the highest percentage of cocoa solids (the part that contains the flavonoids), cocoa butter, sugar, and cocoa bean powder. A different research study performed by researchers at the University of Copenhagen found that dark chocolate decreased cravings for sweet, salty, and fatty foods. Fewer cravings can help the Fairfax, VA employee stick to their healthy eating plan. Milk chocolate contains a smaller percentage of cocoa solids and cocoa butter than dark chocolate plus milk powder and more sugar. The milk powder and decreased amount of cocoa creates a smoother and sweeter chocolate than dark chocolate, but it also has fewer flavonoids. White chocolate is made from sugar, milk, and the smallest quantity of cocoa butter, so it doesn’t include any flavonoids.

Enjoying a small amount of dark chocolate with a cup of coffee in the afternoon not only provides health benefits, but it also creates a moment of relaxation and a caffeine boost for Fairfax, VA employees. That is a benefit for everyone. A convenient location to offer dark chocolate is in a office break room vending machine. To learn more about vending machine snack (including chocolate) and beverage options contact SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731.

Coffee Service in Alexandria, VA

Alexandria, VA, How Do You Drink Your Coffee?

Coffee Service in Alexandria, VA

Did you know that the majority of U.S. coffee drinkers do not drink their coffee black? According to the most recent National Coffee Association’s National Coffee Drinking Trends (NCDT) report, 68 percent of coffee drinkers add some type of non-dairy or dairy product to their coffee, and about 50 percent add a sweetener. Other trends that the researchers found include:  

  • Dairy and Non-Dairy Additives
    • 35% of coffee drinkers add a non-dairy creamer (or coffee whitener, as it is known in some regions)
    • 14% of coffee drinkers use half-and-half
    • 13% of coffee drinkers prefer whole milk
    • 5% of coffee drinkers enjoy a non-dairy milk alternative
  • Coffee Flavoring Preferences
    • 21% of coffee drinkers prefer the flavor to be in a powder or liquid creamer
    • 5% of coffee drinkers would rather add the flavoring by itself
  • Demand for “clean label” creamers or creamers made from natural ingredients including plant-based creamers has surpassed demand for “traditional” flavored creamers
  • Increased Demand for Sweeteners
    • 38% of coffee drinkers use sugar
    • 12% of coffee drinkers prefer artificial sweeteners

With an increase in the type and number of potential options that can be used to change the flavor or sweetness of a cup of black coffee, it is important to take the time to understand your employees’ preferences. If their preferences aren’t available, they are likely to go offsite to find that “perfect” cup of coffee.  

Coffee Service in Alexandria, VAOffering cafe-style coffee service in the office break room is a cost-effective way to help encourage Alexandria, VA employees to stay onsite when they want a cup of coffee. To make sure everyone is able to customize their coffee, consider offering a mixture of the following products in the office break room:

  • non-dairy creamer (or coffee whitener): a plain or flavored liquid or granular substance added to coffee, tea or hot chocolate
  • half-and-half: contains equal parts of whole milk and light cream, and has 10 to 12 percent fat content (more fat than milk, but less fat than cream)
  • milk: cow’s milk that has been fortified with vitamins A and D, and is available as whole milk (~3.5% fat), 2% reduced-fat milk, 1% low-fat milk, and fat-free or skim milk
  • non-dairy “milk” options: almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, etc.
  • sugar: granulated or “regular” sugar, cane sugar, organic sugar, etc.
  • artificial sweeteners: aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, etc.

Which items do your Alexandria, VA employees request the most? Are they available? Whether your current coffee service needs a tune-up or you want to create the ultimate break room by adding cafe-style coffee service, SunDun Office Refreshments can help. For more information, contact us at 800.466.2731.

Gluten Free Snacks in Arlington, VA

Arlington, VA, Meet the Gluten-Free Snack

Gluten Free Snacks in Arlington, VA

With the number of Arlington, VA individuals who have to navigate life without gluten because of an illness like Celiac Disease, it is helpful to know that gluten-free foods are now more readily available. A recent report from Research and Markets, Gluten-Free Foods in the U.S. 6th Edition, projected that sales of gluten-free foods in the following categories—Salty Snacks, Crackers, Fresh Bread, Pasta, Cold (ready-to-eat) Cereal, Baking Mixes, Cookies, Flour, and Frozen Bread/Dough—are expected to grow to more than $2 billion by 2020. That is a lot of gluten-free food and snacks.

So, what exactly is gluten? The Celiac Disease Foundation defines gluten as “a general name for the proteins found in wheat (wheatberries, durum, emmer, semolina, spelt, farina, farro, graham, KAMUT® khorasan wheat and einkorn), rye, barley, and triticale – a cross between wheat and rye.” Gluten behaves as the glue that holds food together. Several different categories of ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, and protein do not naturally have gluten. Creating snacks and other grain-based products requires additional knowledge about how each gluten-free ingredient works as the many of the frequently used grains contain gluten.

There are, however, many plant-based gluten-free ingredient options that are now being used to create healthy, tasty, and filling snacks. The following are a few that Arlington, VA employees might be familiar with:

Whole Grain, Gluten-Free Ingredients

    • Amaranth
    • Buckwheat groats (or kasha)
    • Corn (maize)
    • Gluten-free oats
    • Millet
    • Quinoa
    • Sorghum
    • Teff
  • Wild Rice/Brown Rice

Plant-Based, Gluten-Free Ingredients

    • Arrowroot
    • Pulses (beans, lentils & chickpeas)
    • Cassava
    • Chia
    • Flax
    • Nut flours
    • Soy
    • Tapioca
  • White Rice

Gluten Free Snacks in Arlington, VA

Researchers from Gluten-Free Foods in the U.S., 6th Edition found that “pulse-based [ingredients] are particularly valuable in improving the nutrient quality of gluten-free products, as they are richer in fiber, protein, and micronutrients than GF [gluten-free] staples rice and tapioca flour. The appeal of ancient and sprouted grains is much like that of pulses. For food processors [or manufacturers], these ingredients provide whole food, plant-based protein sources that enhance appearance, deliver unique tastes and textures, pack a nutritional wallop, and invite variety and innovation.”

With such a wide variety of ingredients and the different ways that they can be used, the availability of tasty gluten-free snacks in Arlington, VA has grown to include many different salty and sweet snack choices. Gluten-free salty snacks often include rice and corn puffs flavored with aged cheddar or popped potato chips with barbecue flavoring. Sweet treats vary from cookies made with rice or oat flour to gluten-free Greek yogurt with a wide variety of fruit choices.

Have you considered offering both gluten-free and traditional snacks and beverages in your office break room? SunDun Office Refreshments offers both traditional options as well as products that are gluten-free for those who need gluten-free choices. We can also help you determine the best mix of choices to offer in your office break room. For more information, contact SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731.

Mobile Payments in McLean, VA

Mobile Payments and Growth Spurts in McLean, VA

Mobile Payments in McLean, VA

“There will be exponential growth in mobile payments in the U.S. over the next five years.”  

– “The Mobile World of Retail,” a BRP Special Report

In the almost three years since Apple Pay was launched, the ability to make a mobile payment with a smartphone has become just one of several ways that a mobile device can impact the shopping experience for today’s consumers. BRP Consulting recently determined five key ways that mobile devices are impacting the retail experience: customer identification, customer engagement, associate training and task management, mobile POS, and mobile payment. For McLean, VA vending providers, the ability to make a mobile payment is something that cannot be ignored.

According to The Pew Charitable Trusts’ May 2016 report, 55% of the United States’ population was mobile payment users. 72% of those users fell into the Millennial or Gen X generations. While Millennials and Gen Xers enjoy the rewards, discounts, alerts, and electronic receipts that mobile payment solutions offer, they, 74% of Millennials and 70% of Gen Xers, are also very concerned about the risk of identity theft and loss of funds that might come with using mobile payment options. This block to using mobile payments results from a lack of understanding if mobile payments are faster, safer, or easier to use than traditional payment methods.

Mobile Payments in McLean, VAFor mobile payments to be successful in the long run, there must be additional McLean, VA consumer education about:

  • the length and ease of a transaction using a mobile device as compared to a traditional transaction
  • how loyalty rewards programs can be tied to a mobile wallet, and how that can improve the overall shopping experience   
  • the enhanced security features and faster checkout that mobile wallets offer

Consumer education about using mobile payment systems does not need to be long and drawn out. A recent USA Technologies study found “that call-to-action messages [on vending machines] underscoring speed, convenience and security of Apple Pay can act as an electronic gateway for consumers to learn about and use the mobile wallets already installed on their phones.” Not only did this information educate consumers, but it also increased mobile payment usage by 135.2% and increased overall sales by 36.5%. Knowledge really does make a difference.

Offering McLean, VA employees the option of using mobile payments to purchase a healthy snack or beverage in the office break room not only educates them about mobile payments, but it also gives them an alternative way to purchase a much-needed snack or beverage. Taking a break to stay hydrated or eat something supports their physical and mental health, and in the long run, helps your bottom line. To learn more about mobile payments, and how our vending services can benefit your organization, call SunDun Office Refreshments at 800.466.2731.