No bean gets into CBRC coffee without first passing a rigorous set of guidelines and quality analysis in a laboratory to ensure the highest standard in coffee.
CBRC is a name synonymous with Artisan coffee, from specialty-grade beans to the years of experience they have perfecting a line of signature blends. They have a 7-step control process to ensure each cup is consistently delicious. It’s a great way to set your workplace coffee break apart in the Washington DC area, while also supporting sustainability.
When you choose CBRC coffee for your Washington DC workplace, you are doing more than delivering exceptional coffee, but also environmental benefits. CRBC takes pride in supporting events that protect the Chesapeake Bay as well as other parts of the world. They purchase renewable energy credits to offset natural gas and electricity and invest in new eco-positive technologies at the cutting edge of sustainability.
Treat your office to sophisticated and dependable refreshment with SunDun, the Washington D.C. break room service experts.